⭐️Star⭐️ Star is an 8 year old OTTB who is looking for a new home. She loves to be trail ridden. She is very smart and picks up on things very quickly…
$2,500Babe/ Snow Frosted Pebbles. 10 year old APHA. She was used as a team roping/ breakaway horse before I got her. She has team sorted, barrels and poles…
$8,500Luke is a 16 year old Grade gelding. He came from Texas and was a ranch horse. He's a solid horse, wasn't the biggest fan of being spoiled when we first…
$3,200Price reduced due to personal reasons/life changes, no fault of her own. Sneek A Breeze (Breezy) is an Aqha Registered Broodmare confirmed in foal…
$5,000Yearlings available for sale well behaved call joe 6076255068
$1,800Green broke for sale or stud fee handsome and ready had 3 years since pic have videos of riding upon request filled out since call joe 6076255068
Stud Fee: $650Nicely built, 4 year old filly is trained under a saddle. She clips, ties, loads, bathes and stands for farrier. Currently 14 hands, she is super sweet…
$9,000Oliver is a true 34 inch mini donkey. Correct conformation, beautiful temperament and excellent bite. A true gentleman. Stud fee includes a 1 month stay…