Sunny 6 year old bay gelding Stands 15 hands Located in Minnesota lake mn Asking 9,xxx LOCATED MINNESOTA LAKE MN Fancy broke all around will…
$9,000Carl! Thoroughbred gelding Born May 07, 2011 Registered name is Unomedynamite Carl! He…
$3,500Buddy Trail ranch horse 7 years old Grade 15- 15.1 hands Asking 8500 Located in Minnesota lake mn Selling for a friend Friendly easy to catch…
$8,500Cody 11 year old Friesian / Percheron cross gelding for lease. This dream horse stands 16.3 hands, Green broke for Dressage, rock solid for trail rides…
$15,000Hi this is Koda he is a 15 h quarter horse gelding he is the sweetest boy. Due to no fault of his own I no longer can take care of him. He is 12 years…
$2,000Sunday, February 23rd at 5:30PM CST (SOFT CLOSE AUCTION, LOTS BEGIN STAGGER CLOSING AT 5:30PM) jjwiseauctioneering. com Dave Gilbert has been in…
$1,234Cedar is a fancy little sport pony ready for a program. Has not been pushed, was largely unhandled until late 2 yo year. Super smart and sensible, no…
$2,0001 yo gentle grade Curly colt. Leads, loads, ties, picks up feet, pushes ball/carrys tarp, etc. Very gentle nature and hypoallergenic Curly. Great youth…