Max is 2 yrs old and doing very well with his basic ground work. He is 10.3 and stocky. Has a great mind and loves to learn. Easy to train. Would also…
$1,000**Luchi** Luchi is a 12 year old registered appendix gelding (3/27/2012). He's about 15.2-3hh (have not sticked him) really good all around horse, he…
$4,0006 yr old Tb mare Lapua Brass 16.3 Beautiful girl that is super lovey! Really is the first one to come see you. She is in need of more consistent riding…
$6,500This filly is very well built , great personality and friendly. She would make a great horse to train up the way you want weather it be showing, western…
$6,000This filly is not only beautiful to look at but she has the confirmation and disposition as well. She will make a great prospect in whatever you are looking…
$6,000This filly will get you noticed wherever you go. Her marking are very unique. She is sired by Forrest Midnight Comet which is world champion working cow…
$6,000beautiful black gelding, great for beginners,kids and also great for expert riders. He has no health issues or injuries.
$4,000Walley is a 18yr old ottb gelding 16.1 hh , looking for a new zip code! TALL DARK AMD HANDSOME! Due to no fault of his own! He is your typical thoroughbred…