Dakota is a beautiful, flashy paint gelding. Safe enough for the whole family to enjoy. He would be much happier as a trail horse than a performance horse…
SOLDHoney is a beautiful true black grade mare. She has been ridden down the road, in the arena, on the trail, crosses water, and drives single or double.…
SOLDPearly Day is a solid black (reg pending) gypsy colt. Sire is a palomino roan gypsy and dam solid black. Super sweet colt, will be ready in nov. We do…
SOLDMoonshine is a coming two year old gypsy cross. She has mostly been out on pasture being a horse however she does have the basics down. She leads, ties…
SOLDRio has been a great mare for us for a long time. She’s friendly, raises some amazing babies, and is easy to get along with. She is broke to ride, just…
SOLDThis is my 3rd baby out of this same paring except this time it’s a filly!! She is built just right, no white and beautiful blue roan color everyone loves…
SOLDEliza Jane is something else!! She is registered with IGEA, she’s out of my Grulla Gypsy stallion and my Spotted draft mare. She is EE D/d would make an…
SOLDThis filly is a dream come true for any breeder that wants buckskins!!! She is AA/CRCR/EE a prize possession!! Offering her for a short time, her sire…