Magic is a fantastic horse with sweet and loving personality. He is well under saddle and very gentle to ride and work with. Perfect for an amateur rider…
SOLDMariposa is a great mare that we have had since she was 6months old. Linebred with some of the best 5gait saddlebred champions. She is a great producer…
SOLDBeautiful Warlander Stallion! Barroco is five years old and 16hh. He was started before coming to our ranch. Did not have all three gaits. We are currently…
SOLDIf you are looking to preserve the old world heritage bloodlines, Samantha may be the one for you. She stands at 15.2H and hails from the famous de la…
SOLDRussa is a beautiful Warlander filly. Top quality! Sired by our 17.2hh friesian stallion and our 17hh Andalusian mare. We expect her to be a big mare…
SOLD2021 Roan Quarter Horse Colt. Very easy to handle, ties, loads, picks up feet, saddles, lunges, etc… He has had ground work; but never been ridden due…
SOLDDANDI is a 2024 APHA Double Homozygous Tobiano Filly. She was born on March 7, 2024. Her color test results are: EE,Aa,nCR,TT. She is 7 panel N/N by testing…
SOLDKYLIE is a APHA double homozygous smoky black tobiano filly has the look. She was born May 6, 2023. She is homozygous for the tobiano gene (TT) and…