5 yoa Tn Walker has some get and go to her pretty mare sorrel flaxen mane and tail. She is 15 hands. Coggins up to date. 1200 or best offer
SOLD16 yo, Mare. 15.2 hands. Registered SSHBEA. Casper’s Delightful Angel. Cowboy Mounted shooting, Obstacle trail course, cow sorting, drill team, poles,…
SOLDBullseye is APHA registered and should finish out over 15hh. He leads, loads, and has an UTD coggins.
SOLDScout is a sweet boy, naturally gaited, good conformation, with a wonderful disposition. He will be ready to go end of Nov/Dec. Halter broke, registered…
SOLDVery handsome 8 year old paint gelding. Not for a beginner. Loves people, easy to catch, hacks out alone, walks through water, started over jumps, rides…
SOLD2005 16.1 hand Thoroughbred gelding. River is an absolute sweetheart and is a safe horse to learn on & enjoy. He is not spooky. He is very SAFE!!! He can…