!!'INTENSIONS' HAS A NEW ZIP CODE!! CALICO PRAIRIE PAINTS and QUARTER HORSES is thrilled to welcome: Eight Time World Champion, …
Stud Fee: $1,500Fantastic broodmare prospect or fun project mare. Daughter of Certainly A Vision with fantastic pleasure horse lines. Super sweet and willing personality…
$7,500Registered Gypsy Vanner stallion with GVHS, GCDHA and the Pinto Association 14.2 HH; EE/TT; PSSM1 n/n Three World Champion Utility Horse at the…
Stud Fee: $850Grade Arabian mare, 8 years old. 13.3hh Green broke for moderate to experienced rider. Super sweet girl. Easy to catch, has had a couple of foals, great…
$3,000Stunning 2024 Buckskin Filly, pending registration with FHH. This girl will turn heads. Very stout. Mom is quarter horse, dad Friesian. Tyranny will…
$4,000Shasta is a grade, 5 year old Andalusian / Lusitano cross mare. Shes ready to start the way you want. She does best with a gentle, consistent hand. …
$2,500Java is a 10 year old, Registered 1/2 Lusitano. She is broke to ride for intermediate riders. Has been rode by children, but would consider her green.…
$3,800Wish is one of the best bred champagne fillies our there. She is one of my favorites but we bought another mare so some of the young ones are for sale…