5 year old Pinto mare. She is color registered only. She is very stout and a beautiful horse. We get compliments every where we take her. She has been…
$8,500Little Bit is a 2012 model. She is extremely quick. I bought her to breakaway off of. Life got busy and just don't have the time. She is a great pole…
$15,000This gorgeous girl is your dream horse! Maeve is trained to drive! Can be ridden bareback in just a halter walk, trot, canter. She is a bombproof trail…
SOLDWTF is a 6 year old mare. She needs a job. I thought I would have time to work with her, but I just don't. She is willing to learn and picks up things…
SOLDRetired and ready to sell my barrel horse. Started her on barrels when she was 4. I have run her on both barrels and pole bending. I have mainly placed…