Topeka is a 6 month old mustang quarter horse filly. She has been handled since birth and is super sweet and friendly. She should mature to 14-15 hands…
SOLD"Pete Dunly" AKA "PD" is a grade red dun colt that was born June 3rd, 2024 and is our second cross by this pair of horses. Sired by Polly…
SOLDChai is a big bodied 16 hand Palomino paint Belgian cross mare that is extremely useful and could go in many directions. Sweet, kind and safe, sound and…
SOLDLooking for a flashy big stocky gaited trail horse ? Here's one that will catch everyone’s eye! Ranger is 15.3 h 13 year old twh gelding . He has a…
SOLD- 14.1 hands but stocky - he takes up a lot of your leg! - 2012 black and white spotted ky mountain gelding - Neck reins - Nice racky type gait…
SOLD- 14.3 hands - 2015 reg TWH buckskin mare - Nice smooth slow gait - Can ride with non gaited horses - suitable for confident beginner , intermediate…