Mucha Flamenca aka Flame is a 2016 JC registered thoroughbred mare standing at 16.2hh. Flame was raced as a 2 year old with only 2 starts and decided racing…
$2,800“Cronus” is a drop dead gorgeous 2018 JC registered thoroughbred gelding standing just above 15.3hh on the stick. Cronus is a gelding with a HUGE personality…
$3,000Registered TWH Blue’s Smokin’ Hot Lady aka Misty born September 30th 2019 coming on 5 years old. Misty Smoking Hot Lady lives up to her name she has some…
$3,800AQHA Broodmare "HOT SOUTHERN CHARM" currently open due to breeding plans falling through for this year. She weaned a foal in June, but wasn't bred back…
$1,800Off the track rescue. Very healthy. Up to date on worming, vaccinations, hooves, new coggins. Very sweet mare with good conformation. Would be a great…
$1,000Must be a immediate rider
$3,500Winston 18 month old may be a little younger grade dun qh colt. Already stands at about 13 hands. Very sensible doesn’t act like a stud. Leads loads clips…
$2,500Duck 3yo 15.-15.2 hands registered twh gelding. He is registered as a black dun. He spent all summer with Mike Tracy but is still being sold as a project…