!!'INTENSIONS' HAS A NEW ZIP CODE!! CALICO PRAIRIE PAINTS and QUARTER HORSES is thrilled to welcome: Eight Time World Champion, …
Stud Fee: $1,500Registered Gypsy Vanner stallion with GVHS, GCDHA and the Pinto Association 14.2 HH; EE/TT; PSSM1 n/n Three World Champion Utility Horse at the…
Stud Fee: $850If you want a top Ranch versatility or Rope horse prospect and a bay Roan colt that will have lots of bone and foot under him than here he is waiting for…
No Price ListedThe possibilities are endless... Reining, Roping, Barrel Racing , pedigree for all around propect. Sired by Shine Wimpy Shine a son of the great WIMPYS…
No Price ListedBig Soggy AQHA Bay Roan Filly with the conformation , color and the pedigree to get the job done in multiple events and look beautiful doing it. She is…
No Price ListedLovely 13-year-old Quarter Horse mare available for an on-site partial lease. This is a wonderful opportunity for an advanced beginner or intermediate…
$350Delilah is approximately 5 or 6 years of age. I rescued her from slaughter and she has been with me for about 3 years. I had a health issue so nothing…
$5,500This lovely mare is a Sport horse extraordinaire! She is a beautiful mare with presence and grace. She has been ridden both English and Western and has…