5 year old Pinto mare. She is color registered only. She is very stout and a beautiful horse. We get compliments every where we take her. She has been…
$8,500Little Bit is a 2012 model. She is extremely quick. I bought her to breakaway off of. Life got busy and just don't have the time. She is a great pole…
$15,000A true blue roan Percheron stallion that’s the quietest, and kindest stallion! Once saddled or harnessed he acts like a gelding. I pony other horses off…
Stud Fee: $1,000This is Ranger! A four-year-old Gypsy Vanner who has the sweetest heart ever seen in a horse! While he is young and green, he is very intelligent and a…
$12,000For sale: APHA 2016 mare, ?Blanche,? 16 hh, located in Abilene, Texas, Priced in high-mid x,xxx Blanche is a remarkably sweet and affectionate…
$7,000Hollywood Hardman QH 5706118 Currently booking mares for 2022 breeding season. Sired by Hollywood White out of Dream on Pep. He would come in the house…
Stud Fee: $700Watch his FULL video! Barrels, poles, head, heel, ranch work, drill team, jumping, trail, bridleless, you name it, he does it!! Phoenix is an absolutely…
$25,000SAFE SAFE SAFE!! Watch his FULL VIDEO! Diego is that affordable safe family gelding that so many are driving the wheels off tying to find. He is safe in…