Stunning 2 yr old stud colt has been introduced to the harness and is supper easy going. No bight no kick.. calm and smart.. not studdy and foolish .…
SOLD4 month old draft cross! He will be a heavy fox hunter type horse. Smart and easy to train. Picks up feet, ties, fly spray.. well rounded for 4 months…
SOLDCM Hakeem is coming 4-year-old. He needs an intermediate rider. He had 4 months of professional training in UT. He has since been allowed to grow up. He…
SOLDBandido is a Lusitano Horse 5 years old very comfortable to ride, very smart horse. We bought him for our kids, but no interesting from then. We have 4…
SOLDFlynn has been with us since he was 6 months and has been a pleasure to raise. We have done all the ground work with him and he had 4 months of professional…
SOLDFour White Legs "Socks" Socks is a 16.2 hand, 10 year old chestnut OTTB. She was race trained but never raced and was retired to be a broodmare. She…
SOLDBradens Hancock Babe "Stella" 6 year old registered AQHA foundation mare. She is 86% foundation so she can be registered foundation qh as well She…
SOLD15 year old, 15.1 hand grullo paint gelding. Tucker is looking for someone who would love to trail ride or do some versatility and/or liberty. This sweet…