14.3 hands, stout, great minded girl. 16 years old, great on trails. Will go over or through anything. Level headed, fearless to lead, or will fallow offer…
SOLD15 yr. old registered Tennessee Walking horse. Easy-going and eager to please. 5 years of 4H. Ridden western. Trails.
SOLDExceptional papers and conformation on this stout filly.
SOLD7 year old black mare in foal to a blue roan stallion, Remington East. Due February 2025.
SOLDScout is an 18 y/o 16.2hh horse that has been used for riding lessons and 4H contesting. His rider has graduated and would love to see him with someone…
SOLDNeed Some WOW in your life? This adorable girl is just the ticket. "Luna", a 5 panel negative by parentage bay filly is APHA (color panel pending). Her…
SOLDOne month old jack colt. He will be a monster. Dam is 16.2 HH Sire is 15.1HH He is a half brother to Bill Garretts Oklahoma Cowboy. Same Dam. Price is…
SOLDGrade Appaloosa mare 15hh. She is as sweet as can be. Stands for the farrier like a champ. Loads and ties. Beautiful mover!!!! She has some intermittent…