⭐️LUKE⭐️ This boy screams chrome and take me home! Luke is a 2018 16.1 (still growing) thoroughbred. This boy will be an amazing dressage or hunter…
SOLD16hh grey and white paint. 15 years young! He was an Indian relay horse and after a making it as a lesson horse, the riding school closed and had to…
SOLDAs gentle and quiet as they come. 17.2hh solid bay gelding 9 years old We call him Bear Bear because he’s as snuggly as a teddy bear. He is safe…
SOLDChubacca “Chewy” is an 8 year old paint cross ISO a new zip code. If your are looking for a safe safe safe trail partner you can trust, this is your…
SOLDMeet Finn!! Finn a almost 3 year old gelding. He is 14.2h and will probably mature to 15h Finn is broke to ride, trailers like a dream and is utd on everything…
SOLD*For sale only* 17 hh, 16y/o, Dutch WB gelding. Have owned him for 4 yrs and he’s been an absolute pleasure. Life changes and I’ve had a baby and no…
SOLDMeet Odin 15hh gelding DOB 07/07/2015 This guy has the biggest personality! He is a big puppy dog and is such a looker. He is bombproof and is a king…
SOLDBeautiful petite silver dapple yearling (Apr 2023) gelding stands 26” expected to mature 28” This little boy is super friendly, and has already started…