Max is 2 yrs old and doing very well with his basic ground work. He is 10.3 and stocky. Has a great mind and loves to learn. Easy to train. Would also…
$1,000Smirk (JC: Funnee) is just over 16hh 4 yr old liver chestnut thoroughbred mare. I bought her as a two-year-old in September of 2022 with just 3 lackluster…
$12,000Rye (JC:Brooklawn) Rye is generally a very good guy with a great brain. He is 16.2 hh and 4 yrs old - he only had 3 starts at the track. We just finished…
$15,000"Lola" (JC: Sweet Betty Joyce) is a 7yr old 15.2 hh thoroughbred mare. She came off the track in 2022. She has been with us for several months and is going…
$2,500I have a beautiful little filly. She has been walked and brushed by young kids. She is a quick learner. She has been in a parade and did amazing. She also…
Make an OfferOpen to sale or lease She has done barrels, poles, and any other gaming event. She did 4h shows and she was a youth rodeo horse. She also was used for…
$15,000Red Chief has a light canter and a floating trot as he glides across the pasture. With his calm and affectionate demeanor, he is always looking to please…
Stud Fee: $1,200His price is low, so you can geld him. He is so gentle, though, you won't know he hasn't been gelded yet! He learns super fast, and is 14 hands, may…