If the ad is up, horses are available; I will not respond to questions if answer is already provided in this ad. I screen for scammers so please include…
$1,200Elysha is a lovely 14.3 hand Arabian mare with a pleasant, willing temperament who is quiet & easy to work. Her athleticism & go-forward motivation that…
$15,000Gorgeous sweet mini Mare looks like a silver dapple now but I believe she's a Silver Bay her mother was a Silver bay roan. Small 29.5 in tall silver mane…
$2,5004$: 2-year-old Ginger, Crystal are available in Gurley, Alabama +Crystal & Ginger both have been tested on all 4 test & negative on all 4 gene test…
$1,500Miniature horse Palomino Colt available: Billings Missouri 1.) Victorian Rose Crimson Echo, registered AMHA Palomino weanling Colt, date of birth 5/12…
$2,300Currently Available: Victorian Rose Zorro's Thunder Ella, yearling 5-18-23 KMHB/AMHA Bay Filly. Now this sweetheart is going to make a nice all rounder…
$3,500Victorian Rose Thunderbolt, AMHA/AMHR registered & KMHB. Win some Kentucky Incentive $$ showing AMHA with this handsome Buckskin Yearling Colt, (currently…
$4,500Maple Woods Ex Tra Hot Blaze -10% $ale March! (Houdini) AMHA/AMHR 2022 TINY Buckskin Stallion looking for those 30" and…