⭐️LUKE⭐️ This boy screams chrome and take me home! Luke is a 2018 16.1 (still growing) thoroughbred. This boy will be an amazing dressage or hunter…
SOLDSkills / DisciplinesAll Around, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Ridden Western, Show Experience, Trail Riding Due to illness and having to have surgery and my…
SOLDThis eye catcher is Melvin! He is a 6yo quarter horse gelding. He is a gentle boy with great ground manners. He is approx 15.3h. He was started by a professional…
SOLDRegistered name: Gracie Birthday: April 2015 Height: 14 hands Color: Black and White ⭐️Gracie is a sweet and friendly mare looking for her forever…
SOLD12-15 year old Belgian Draft Cross. 16.3hh. He his broke to ride and drive. Under saddle he is great. He is very responsive to commands. He will…
SOLDLady 18 to 20 year old 15.2h, Not register saddlebred mare Needs refresher but could make someone a great advanced beginner horse. Could live outside…
SOLDHappy is a 15-16year old Saddlebred cross that stands about 15.2hh. He’s coming back into work after some time spent just being a horse with his herd.…
SOLDVintage 4 yr old 16.1 hand OTTB Offered for sale This pretty girl is a true princess. Not only is she a pretty face but she is kind, smart and super…