Red 4 year old Molly mule out of registered tennessee walker. Friendly not been started. 15.2 hands.
SOLDTwo Socks was born April 22, 2024. He is a bay roan. Will mature around 15.3. Friendly already. Leads some. Will be registered, leading, loading,…
SOLDI have a nice palomino roan colt. Registered with the Tennessee Walking Horse Association. He was born July 12, 2022. Very sweet and friendly. Both parents…
SOLDSmith is a big palomino colt. His parents are 15.1 (taller horses in her lines her full brother is 17.1) and 15.3. Both parents I have rode and were smooth…
SOLDSolid built black filly. She will be registered, leading, loading and handling hooves before she leaves. She's friendly and loves attention. Naturally…
SOLDStunning filly born Aug 18, 2023. Might carry roan time will tell. Great showy gait and will finish at 15.2 to 15.3 I've personally rode both parents…
SOLDRig Belgian/quarter horse Perkins, OK March 1st 2021 14 hands with more growing to do! Short term payments and trades considered. This is a…
SOLDShe is a 4 year old Appaloosa Arabian cross broke to ride and tie.She loads in a trailer just fine.We have used her for working cows, trail riding, and…