Meet the Virginian. He's a spottedloosa. Very broke, smooth gaited and excellent trail horse. He is 15 hands and 5 years old. He's got a very sweet…
$10,000This is an exceptional gelding for sale. He's super sweet and super smooth, fancy gaited. He's spotted silver dapple color. He is my Snoopy and out…
$25,000This is Roger. He is a super broke gelding for sale at McNatt Farms in Fayetteville TN. He is extremely sweet and calm. He is 14.2 hands.
$5,000This is Sam. He is a 4 year old spotted saddle horse. He is 15 and 1/2 hands almost 15.1 hands. He is doing super good in his training. Really good…
$7,500This is a super broke gelding and great in the woods, too! Very Sweet Disposition. 15 hands, 12 years old. He's the Lineman
$5,500This is the Night Docter. The kids call him, Lightning McQueen. Lol. He is a very smooth gaited gelding. Really good on the trails too. He is 13 years…
$5,500He is by MCF Cannon's Destiny and out of Rocky Mountain Mare Cheyenne. He was born 5/3/23. He was weaned and ready :) He should mature to 15.3 to 16…
$9,000APHA All Around Performance Prospect Promise 2023 Smoky Black Tobiano Filly Registered name: PAR Wish Upon A Star Barn name: Minnie APHA Breeders…
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