This little jack was born on April 10th, 2024 and is currently 28 inches. He is handled every day, loves attention, and is very people-friendly. He is…
SOLDKissN MF Karma is a registered Cremello Morgan filly. Handled daily, Karma leads, ties and lunges. Karma is good for the farrier and good with clippers…
SOLDNo Ordinary Man Ozzy, is a 15.1hh 3YO grade tb gelding. He is very kind and easy going. Very very lightly started under saddle. He lunges, loads,…
SOLD2018 mustang pony rescued from a kill pen on a res in NM when she was about 2 months old. Through no fault of her own I need to re-home my baby. …
SOLD**SOLD** 10years old, Great boy, just needs a job. He’s just sitting in the pasture (he is handled every day) Utd on vaccinations, hoof trimming. Green…
SOLDTANK is a tank, he is 25% Fjord, 63% Egyptian 12% Appie, what we call a "fence baby"! But don't let his charm and good looks fool you! This is a boy that…
SOLDDynasty is a jet black gelding of Ravenwood Egyptian breeding. I rescued him 2 years ago, he has papers, I've been told, and I was told he wsa 17 and…
SOLD13YO OTTB 16.2hh Mazikeen has big movement and would excel in any ring. Stands, loads, bathes, clips, ties. Great for the farrier and vet. I use her for…