Jazzerman (aka Jazzy) is a registered bay Arabian gelding standing at 14.1 hands and very athletic. He is an in your pocket person horse with a wonderful…
SOLDMarilyn is a gentle and beautiful 8 year old Morgan / Dutch Harness horse mare. She is about 15 hands tall and a chestnut roan color with lots of chrome…
SOLDVernon is a well broke, 5 year old grade Tennessee Walking Gelding, 15 hands tall. He is a black roan with silver in his mane and tail. Stocky built and…
SOLDBullet is a double registered, 10 year old racking horse/trotter. He has a wonderful disposition and is very eager to please. Great ground manners and…
SOLDSparkles is a big 15.3 hand gelding, 12-14 years old, with a thick Andalusian body and a beautiful Arabian head. He is a fleabitten grey with strawberry…
SOLDZorro is a jet black, 16 hand, 10 year old grade thoroughbred gelding. He is well broke and well mannered. Shoes, clips, bathes. He has been ridden…
SOLDLooking for a job is this big handsome, bay, grade gelding, in his early teens He stands a stout 16.3 hands. Purchased from a sale barn Dec of 2021, so…
SOLDGuinness : AQHA (in hand) /APHA (Eligible- can submit for if wanted for 200). Palomino colt. ee_aNCr Possibly Splash White 1 and/or W20. NRHA and NRBC…