2 year old stallion stands 42 inches tall he will make a beautiful herd sire or make a big impact in the show ring
SOLD5y-o gelding stands 15hands broke to ride and drive he has a super good attitude in the barn and a great trail rider!! He has been on multiple pleasure…
SOLD2017 model 16H great gelding. Very sweet personality and easy on the ground. Young but can take a joke, is very easy and definitely a kick ride undersaddle…
SOLD14.3 hand mare, all black socks, dappled. Mocha is looking for a new home as it is no fault of her own but I no longer have time to train her, I will still…
SOLDRanger is a beautiful blue roan colt! This pretty boy has been handled since birth an loves people. He is halter broke and leads very well. His dam is…
SOLDSparky is a sweet little colt and is fluffy like a teddy bear! He has been handled since birth, and loves people. Sparky would make an awesome pet for…
SOLDSky is a beautiful paint filly. She is very sweet and love attention. She would make a great children's pet. She is halter broke does well with leading…
SOLDPrice reduced! Roan project horse! Approx. 13 year old Palomino Roan Appaloosa Cross gelding. Approx. 14 hands. He’s a very sweet, smart and handsome…