Meet Biddy! She is Being sold as a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) She is perfect in the field, low mare on the totem pole. Tack up and go…
SOLDMeet Cherokee! He is a 13 year old Mustang stallion. This guy is great for any level rider, he loves, going out on trails, and exploring new places. I…
SOLD16 Hands QH, 7 years old. Located near Roanoke, Va. Negative Coggins. Sweet in your pocket girl. Good ground manners. Loves trailing riding and will ride…
SOLD9 year old, 15.1 hand solid sound grade quarter horse gelding. Started under saddle last year with no problems, no buck, bolt, kick, rear. Leads, loads…
SOLD“Gunner” is a 15 year old Belgian gelding standing 17.1 hands high. Gunner is a safe, steady eddy guy for the they family to enjoy. He is safe safe safe…
SOLD“Dallas” is a 14 year old Belgian gelding standing 17.0 hands high. Dallas is gentle and easy to handle, he has great barn and ground manners, he stands…
SOLD“Darla” is a 12 year old Belgian mare standing 17.2hh. This is a mare that’s safe for the entire family. Nothing bothers this horse. She will pick up all…
SOLD“Sugar” is a 14 year old Belgian mare standing 16.2 hands high, this girl is as sweet as they come. She stands in cross ties, stands to be groomed by the…