Little filly off of Cowboy and Paisley. She is 4 weeks old. Cannon bone measurement is 6 1/4. Her teeth and legs are straight. This is a very petite filly…
SOLDAMHR mare born March 22nd 2006. Raised from yearling on Lassiter Pond Miniatures. Has had many beautiful foals. Sold when owner passed. New owner looking…
SOLD2016 Appaloosa stallion born June 22, 2016. Sireotsa Kolors a Black Sno Cap and Dam is LPM Painted Lady (Black/White pinto). Handled by young girls. They…
SOLDZen;s Shadow was born on April 7, 2024. This Warlander colt has great confirmation, is very athletic, and super friendly. He was weaned on Aug. 31. …
SOLDZen (barn name) is a full blooded 9 year old Friesian mare with registered name Zenna van De Dodshoom, and registration number 528004201500604. Zen has…
SOLDInnocencia MC is a gorgeous grey 10 year old Lusitano mare bred by Music City Andalusians. I am selling her as a broodmare as she is in foal to Home Made…
SOLDQuelana is a gorgeous dappled grey 10 yr. old P.R.E. Andalusian mare bred by Music City Andalusians. I purchased her as a 3 yr. old, broke her to ride…
SOLDI’m upset we’re making this decision to give our sweet Lilliam a new home. In all my years of being a horse owner I can say there hasn’t been one like…