2019, Peacock Leopard Appaloosa Stallion, Double Registered ApHC and ICAA. 100% Foundation, Gap 5, 6 panel health neg., DNA profile: a/a (Homozygous),…
Stud Fee: $1,000Double Registered ApHC and ICAA, Black Peacock Leopard, 100% Foundation, GAP 5/F5, 6 panel health N/N, DNA: a/a(Homozygous) nd1/nd2, E/E(Homozygous), n…
Stud Fee: $1,000Wrangler is a 16 year old 15.1 hand registered quarter horse with great breeding. He is athletic and very well trained with an emphasis on reining. He…
SOLDSuper sweet 2yr old Standardbred filly pacer -broke to drive but never raced. Now has 60 days under saddle! She is level-headed and quiet. 100% sound,…
SOLDAngus is a Gaited Trail Mule that loads, ties, baths. picks up feet, good with farrier, good with other horses or mules. Does not bite or kick. Crosses…
SOLDArtemis (Artie for short) is a 2 year old (Turns 3 in August) beautiful registered Friesian Sport horse (Friesian/Morgan Cross). She is one of the sweetest…
SOLDWinslow: Coming 3 yo 16.1 hand 5/8 percheron, 3/8 Dutch/Hackney cross. A+ personality and all the talent one could ask for. Light, responsive, animated…
SOLDSolid boned, honest minded, gentle BLM 6 yo mare from Wyoming, Divide Basin. Pretty mare with great topline and good bone. Smart and agreeable. No ill…