AQHA Solis et Lunae - it means marriage of the sun & moon since her dam is Blu Cresent Moon and she was born on the day of the eclipe. We have been calling…
SOLD3 yr old started under saddle. Easy to work with.
SOLDRed chocolate Rocky Mountain filly. Will be ready for her new home in August 2024. She was born on April 18th 2024. She will mature to 15-15.1 hands. …
SOLDSunshine has been used in a therapeutic riding program for nearly five years for walk/trot classes. She has an excellent, easy-going disposition, and has…
SOLDBig yearling buckskin stud colt. Handled daily. Bathes, lunges, ties, loads. Anyone can handle him. Easy to catch and trim. Possibly eligible for APHA…
SOLDBig pretty Draft X filly Already stands 14h!! Sells 100% in every way. Ties, lunges, bathes and clips. Beautiful mover!!! Priced to move!!
SOLDPlease interested buyers only! With a sad heart, Miyah is Available for Sale. Broadway Brahms, aka Miyah, is a beautiful, inside-and-out mare! She is…