This little fella is sweet and Mr personality. Will be ready to leave mom in April. For more info and pics, please text.
SOLDMaria is a 4 year old DNA tested 100% PRE Andalusian mare standing 15.1 hands tall. She is out of registered stock however she is grade. She has a dappled…
SOLDBlaze is a handsome 7 year old 14 hand Quarter Horse gelding. I think he could make a great mount for English shows, or western games. He rides English…
SOLDVideo at Blue Jeans is a dependable and sweet 11 year old 14 hand gray paint Quarter Horse gelding. He is willing and patient…
SOLDI purchased Candy in 2015 as a rescue horse, so we do not have any information on her registration (if she has any), bloodlines, or other history. She…
SOLDVideo at Caroline is an adorable 13.2 hand 14 year old Quarter Pony. Small enough for the kids, big enough for most adults…
SOLDLuna is a 23 year old Bay Rabicano, Straight Egyptian Arabian Mare, who looks a lot like her maternal grandsire, Simeon Shai+ (AHA # 424279). Her father…
SOLDVideo at Marigold is an adorable 14.1 hand 10 year old Welsh/Quarter Horse cross. She has ridden the trails…