Max is 2 yrs old and doing very well with his basic ground work. He is 10.3 and stocky. Has a great mind and loves to learn. Easy to train. Would also…
$1,000⭐️Star⭐️ Star is an 8 year old OTTB who is looking for a new home. She loves to be trail ridden. She is very smart and picks up on things very quickly…
$2,500Babe/ Snow Frosted Pebbles. 10 year old APHA. She was used as a team roping/ breakaway horse before I got her. She has team sorted, barrels and poles…
$8,500Approximately 20 year old morgen gelding. Rides English or western. He is a great trail horse. Might be a little forward so not for complete beginners…
$1,000Approx 14 yr old quarter horse mare,broke to ride,excellent trail horse!does not act her age at all loves to run!she could run all day and not get tired…
$2,000Greta is an AQHA registered mare looking for her new family! I bought her mid 2024 as a project horse with the intent to resell. She is a great trail buddy…
$5,500Bear, a 5-6ye old gelding, with a huge, spicy attitude. He learns quickly and is trained to pull the cart. He is best suited for an intermediate-advanced…
$2,600Here is a 2 year old pony that has 1/4 gypsy blood at the time he is 41inches tall He is very gentle and good looking!! Feel free to ask questions or to…