Jesse was rescued from a kill pen as an unhandled 3yr old. He is a big sweet teddy bear now. Standing 15.3 and growing.
SOLDButtercup is a 13.1 now with years of growing left and is wide like a traditional quarter horse. She has a great calm mind and potential to be shown or…
SOLD8yrs old 14.2hh. Kissme is a great therapy horse and intermediate englishbor western riding partner.
SOLDSolace is a beautiful 5 yr old blanketed app gelding standing at 14’2, has papers but owner is selling as grade due to not being able to find them, stout…
SOLD(Onsite or offsite lease) Prince is a 11 yr old appy gelding bomb trail horse! He is 15 hands. Has a motor when asked or will plug along the trails with…
SOLDNo rufan sugar aka nova is a AQHA /APHA beautiful chestnut no smoking required filly, she leads loads stands tied. Great reining prospect. potential to…
SOLDKoda is a homozygous black and dun , bay dun AQHA stallion , he leads loads stands tied broke to ride needs finishing green but not unsafe. Proven breeder…
SOLDPrize , is a two yr old Palomino stud colt by call me Mitch! He leads loads stands tied lunges and loads, this guy is bred to the hills! With tons of money…