I have personally put miles on this horse. I absolutely love him! He is fun and a pleasure to ride. He has a sweet disposition and is easy enough to handle…
SOLDStanley is a really nice bay and white spotted jack. He's friendly and easy to get along with. He's mannerly around jenny's. He's healthy and has good…
SOLDMax is the sweetest, laid back boy you will ever meet. He will try anything you ask of him. He has a loving disposition and wants to please his people…
SOLDThis is a beautiful roan jenny ready to be a pet, companion, or livestock guardian. She is only a yearling, healthy, and has perfect hooves. Very nice…
SOLDBeautiful Baby! Ready to be yours!
SOLDThis is a very pretty weanling jack to keep for your herd or make him a gelding to be your family pet.
SOLDThis baby is only a yearling! She's healthy with perfect hooves. She is ready to entertain you and your family or go to work out in the pasture protecting…
SOLDLook at this cutie! I love this little jenny! She's the perfect size to protect sheep, goats, or chickens. She is currently running with a spotted jack…