Jewels Dandy Mint is a 2015 APHA registered homozygous paint gelding. He has been ridden western and also free jumped over fences which he seems to love…
SOLDSHE IS OPEN FOR THE BREEDING SEASON! OR TAKE HER HOME TO BE PART OF YOUR FAMILY! Super Star Sassie is a 2012 Registered APHA homozygous paint mare…
SOLDMy horse “Punch”, registered as Spotted Memories, is a 16 1/2 year old Registered Tennessee Walking Horse Gelding. He is a one owner horse that I trained…
SOLDSassy is a 22 year old (she does not act 22) Tennessee Walking Mare. She rides, baths, stands for farrier, stands to be mounted, loads, stands on a picket…
SOLDBo is a 19 year old (acts like a 5 year old) Tennessee Walking Gelding. He rides, pulls a cart, baths, stands for farrier, stands to be mounted, loads…
SOLDRango is a rescue but he has the sweetest disposition I’ve ever met in a stud, all he lacks is his gelding operation and he would suit even the most novice…
SOLDLady is a one of a kind mare. There is nothing she want do for you. Great show mare AOT. You put her in the ring and you will come out with a Ribbon. There…
SOLDI cannot say enough about Reba. She is a one of a kind. She is smooth as all get out knows all her gaits . will go anywhere you point her. Loads is good…