Great all around horse any body can ride great kids or a beginner. Easy keeper
SOLDRed chocolate Rocky Mountain filly. Will be ready for her new home in August 2024. She was born on April 18th 2024. She will mature to 15-15.1 hands. …
SOLDTrea is a lovely example of a true gypsy cob. She loves people and is very easy to be around. She's also very stocky and thick. She's 14.1hh and PSSM…
SOLDGVHS reg lovely tobiano colt. 2 blue eyes. Roan test pending. Est 14.1hh. Going to be heavy and hairy! More pics available upon request.
SOLD"Indy" is a smoky blue roan coming 4 year old mare. She has been broke to ride and I showed her at the Lexington, VA Gypsy show in 2023. She is a traditional…
SOLD"Mayday" was born May 1 of this year. She is a lovely blue roan tobiano filly out of our red roan mare, GTF Velveteen Rabbit by SD Cottoneyed Joe's Surprise…
SOLDSALE PENDING Elvis Aaron was born 5/22/23. Bay Dun Ee/Aa, D/nd2 His dam is a daughter to R Dorado and his sire Is SSFR Deuces Wild. $1K deposit holds…
SOLDWe were going to keep this filly, but you can't keep them all! She will make a flashy mount or a nice broodmare. She comes out of heavy European cobs…