2 years old, born on my farm. Needs to start under saddle training - I have had 3 foot surgeries in the past 16 months and I have not been able to give…
SOLDLettie is a 9 year old registered Thouroughbred mare, she was shown in hunter jumpers and endurance riding, she is safe for anyone to ride inside or out…
SOLD4 year old gelding, has had about 30 days of training, he rides but is still on the green side so selling as a project, he ground drives, picks up all…
SOLDPoncho is an 11 month old warmblood colt, he is halter trained and picks up all 4 feet, he is very friendly and gentle, he has good height to him already…
SOLD2017 model 16H great gelding. Very sweet personality and easy on the ground. Young but can take a joke, is very easy and definitely a kick ride undersaddle…
SOLD16 hh 14 year old Quarter Horse Not for a beginner rider Gentle on ground and riding, willing to work and will run when asked, could be used for barrels…
SOLD**Lease Pending** Lyla is a sweet & spicy mare who loves to work. JC Registered, barefoot, easily loads trailers. She has great ground manners, but needs…
SOLDWinchester is a 11 yr old 15 hand grade haflinger gelding! Big handsome guy that rides good , nice WTC ! Hard to find a gelding with this build , size…