Great horse,22 mth old will be. 15,5 hands to 16 hands
$10,000Dead broke 17 yr old dun QH Gelding 15hh ex roper, knows barrels, crosses water, rides bareback, stands tied all day, loads and unloads, eat/drink on…
$3,500Plain Dollar Bill APHA Solid Bay Gelding DOB: June 11th 2020 -all of 15 hands “Bill” or “Bobcat Bill” is a favorite around our barn with his bright…
$8,000Luna March 28, 2022 14.2 hands halter broke. Golden Palomino filly. super friendly and in your pocket. Takes a saddle great, this filly isn’t spooky and…
$3,000Grade Brandy 12yr 15.2 hands sorrel mare. Always easy to catch. 3/4 D has hit 2D barrels and poles and trail horse. Kinda Push style, if you move alot…
$8,000Grade Lacey 4yr 13.2 hands filly still has growing to do. Started on barrels and poles. Hauls great stands tied, Loads. Pretty easy to catch. She’s been…
$8,000Ace will be standing for the 1st time in 2024. 7panel neg. They are frame overo, PSSM1, HERDA, GBED, MH, HYPP, with the recent addition of MYHM/IMM. We…
Stud Fee: $500POCOCITO COWBOY is a 2009 homozygous black and dun Grulla. His foals will always be black based and carry the dun gene. HIs color genetics are EE/aa/CrN…
Stud Fee: $600