Exceptional uphill buckskin stud colt
SOLDCasper is a white mini born on April 8. He has blue eyes and a tiny Carmel spot on his head. He is out of a 32 inch mare and a 32 inch paintaloosa stallion…
SOLDILollipop is a mini dark, gray Jenny born July 26, 2024. She is out of a 33 inch dark gray Jenny and a 31 1/2 inch red jack. She will be available at…
SOLDRusty is a beautiful, bright red, male mini donkey. He is out of a 32 inch red Jenny and a 31 1/2 inch red jack. He was born August 23 and will be available…
SOLD15 yr. old registered Tennessee Walking horse. Easy-going and eager to please. 5 years of 4H. Ridden western. Trails.
SOLDGorgeous tall ANCCE registered palomino PRE Filly available, fantastic bloodlines
SOLDExceptional papers and conformation on this stout filly.
SOLD7 year old black mare in foal to a blue roan stallion, Remington East. Due February 2025.