----PENDING PICKUP---- This little jack was born on April 1st, 2024 and is currently 27 inches. He is handled every day, loves attention, and is very people…
SOLD----PENDING PICKUP---- This little jack was born on April 6th, 2024 and is currently 26 inches. He is handled every day, loves attention, and is very people…
SOLDThis little jack was born on April 10th, 2024 and is currently 28 inches. He is handled every day, loves attention, and is very people-friendly. He is…
SOLDPrince of Peace SOE is a 3 year old 1/2 Rheinland Pfalz Saar and 1/2 Pinto Cross. He measures close to 15.1 hands but, is expected to mature between 15…