Poncho is 25 inches tall at five months old. He should mature at 31inches . He is very friendly and loves hugs. He’s Gorgeous with a short nose head…
$1,500This little guy is out of an appy dad and pinto mare. He can be registered Amhr. He can be weaned middle of October.
$700Adorable mini jack. Leads good! Very friendly. Ready to go to their new forever home now. Also available.. .. his half brother beautiful lil gray…
$1,250Put him the barn a couple weeks ago, haven’t done much with him, he’s really quiet and easy to get along with. Should work for kids and easy to train.…
$700belg is a 2 yr old belgium cross filly i dont know what she is crossed with . she is about 15 hds right now...she has had alot of ground work done with…
$4,000Sky Scraper is an exceptional young gelding with oodles of talent for Dressage. He was very gently started under saddle but basically he must watch videos…
$35,000Sporty Draft Cross Mare to have fun on the trails or in the arena. Uncomplicated rides like a gelding. Blondie is a super cute, super friendly draft…
$14,000Tinsel is a 4 year old Friesian Morgan crossbred mare. She stands 15.2 HDs but still growing. We are introducing her to Dressage and after 8 days here…