“NERO’S RAVEN” 2018 Friesian Cross mare, 15.1h Raven is a stunning young horse, by Litrik fan Synaeda, who possesses the highly sought after friesian…
SOLD“CBR IVANHOE” 2016 Friesian Heritage Sporthorse gelding, 16.2 h Looking for a solid trail partner? Looking for something talented enough to take up…
SOLD“FRODE” 2018 grade Fjord gelding, 14h My oh my, isn’t he adorable?! Frode is teddy bear level cuteness and has the personality to match. Frode adores…
SOLD“CBR FREYA” 2021 Friesian Heritage Sporthorse mare,15 h If you are looking for a young horse of quality and with an exceptional brain, look no further…
SOLD“STETSON” GRADE 2016 Arabian gelding, about 14.2h If you are looking for a cute little English project pony or wonderful trail/endurance partner,…
SOLD“BRUNETTE” 2015 OTTB mare, 16.2 h Big, beautiful OTTB mare built the right way! Brunette is looking for her new partner! This mare has received a lot…
SOLD“LA NEGRITA BONITA” 2017 AQHA mare, about 15.1h Thora is an absolutely stunning true black mare. Own daughter of Man on the Move by The Down Side. Her…