Miniature Horse for Sale Coldaydreamers Fancy Spot (Fancy) was born on 3/19/2023. She is registered to The American Miniature Horse Registry, # 357906T…
SOLD2024 Weanling Miniature filly born April 29th. Her cannon bone measurement is 7.5. She will mature between 29" to 31". She is very correct in confirmation…
SOLDAMHR Pintaloosa Black/White filly. She has war bonnet markings on her head and blue eyes. She would do great in the show ring.
SOLDMy Charming Bonnie is a registered Gypsy Vanner/Haflinger filly. She is registered with GHRA. Her sire NR Blue Smoke is a smokey blue roan Gypsy Vanner…
SOLDPrice listed is minimum DEPOSIT to hold, and payments available til weaning - email, text or call for full price and more info. Bloodlines include Not…
SOLDLittle filly off of Cowboy and Paisley. She is 4 weeks old. Cannon bone measurement is 6 1/4. Her teeth and legs are straight. This is a very petite filly…
SOLDPrice entered is minimum DEPOSIT amount with payments available thru weaning. Please message, email, text for full price. This smokey black tobiano filly…
SOLDPrice listed is minimum deposit to hold foal, with payments made thru weaning. Please email, text or call for price. . . Bloodlines include Dunnit With…