Born June 13, 2024 APHA Dun Tobiano colt E? Aa Dd Tt HYPP NN HERDA NN MH NN PSSM 1 NN GBED NN MYHM NN If you want a BIG colorful gelding or…
$3,000Foaled March 16, 2024 Grulla 5 panel clean Possibly HZ black and dun APHA Solid Stormy is the complete package. She's smart, athletic, fast, with…
$3,250Gental Jack With Spots! Raised On Farm With Cattle! No Bad Habits! Changing Bloodline Due To Retaining Alot Of His Offspring!!
$800TRAINED BY AMISH....strong - healthy & blind in one eye, peaceful on the ground, easy to saddle, wash, clean hooves, had shoes in the past, drove buggy…
$2,000Chief is a 13 yr. old grade strawberry roan gelding. He stands 14.1 and has spent a few years with a reining cowhorse trainer. He rides like a reiner…
$12,000For Sale: Apollo Breed: Thoroughbred Cross Age: Estimated 12-14 years Height: 15.3 hands Color: Flea-Bitten Gray Gender: Gelding Apollo is a…
$4,000Rooster is a beautiful bay stallion grandson of the world champion Gallo del Cielo He’s 15-2 very gentle anybody can ride. If you looking for the perfect…
$9,800Panel Status: HYPP NH, clear on MH, GBED, PSSM1 and HERDA Breeding Fee: Private Treaty LFG (Free to WC/RWC or Youth WC/RWC earning or producing mares…
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