Max is 2 yrs old and doing very well with his basic ground work. He is 10.3 and stocky. Has a great mind and loves to learn. Easy to train. Would also…
$1,00012 year old qh mare. 14.2 hands. As safe as you will ever find. Traffic safe and sound. No vices and extremely social. Satisfied to walk all of the…
$2,700Silfurtá is currently in Iceland, but available for export (we will assist - price includes shipping from Iceland to the US). Could also be bred to a…
$18,500Strákur is a very large Icelandic standing at 14h tall with great bone and substance. He is a horse that immediately gets noticed! He has high withers…
Stud Fee: $1,250“Leo” is the sweetest horse you’ll ever meet in your life. Goes in front shoes. Good for ferrier. Loads, bathes, and stands tied. Not a mean bone in…
$5,000OTSTB (trotter). “Ricky” has always been sound for me with no known injuries or health issues. Perfect feet without shoes. No vices. Loads, bathes,…
$4,000Let me introduce you to a horse that is catty as can be!! Looking for a horse that can go in any direction like reining, working cow horse, a heel horse…
$19,000Let me introduce you to Cowboy, a well started 2 year old that is nicely broke!! He has the potential to go in any direction! “JZ JUST A COWBOY” aka Cowboy…