ETA: Make me an offer - ready to move today! Meet Mexia! Mia is a 7 year old OTTB. She is located in Newton, IA. I have owned her for the last 8 months…
SOLDRunner Runner Indy is a 16.3 hh 7 yo OTTB I have restarted from the track. He is a very sweet and calm boy! Definitely more of a push ride, and has had…
SOLD1- his registered jockey club name is Northampton Kid. 2- 11, born March 25th 2012. 3- OTTB, has never had an injury while I have had him for the past…
SOLD16h bay TB gelding - older horse who has had a full career of lessons and jumping hunter and jumpers up to 2ft6. Still sound and healthy but deserves a…
SOLDSweet...She is just three & she is living up to her name every day. Very sweet and very quiet and willing to do anything asked. Fun mare to be around.…
SOLDLilly is approximately 18 years old She has some skin issues and I don’t not have an enclosed barn to get her out of the sun. I do believe if she wasn…
SOLDShe s 7 years old I’ve had her since she was 1 yr old and I just don’t do anything with her anymore but feed her. She has never kicked or bite she has…
SOLDMost amazing Mare ever! I think she actually believes she's a human! She thinks she should live in the house. Super sweet disposition. She has not been…