Choo Choo was born March 20 2024 and will be ready to go to his forever home August 1. He will be AMHA & AMHR registered. He had 6.5” canon bone at birth…
SOLDChia was born on Feb 15 2024, she is grade and is not registered. She is a brown and white pinto, has a very spicy disposition and is full of life. We…
SOLDSuper cute & super friendly miniature pintaloosa filly! She is AMHR registered with papers in hand. Her sire & dam are both around 30-32". She is in with…
SOLDBlitzen was born & raised on our farm & is now ready to find his forever home. He has been handled extensively & has a great temperament. Loves humans…
SOLDDive is a well broke pretty paint mare. She stands 15’1h wtc, neckreins, knows her leads, side passes, pivots and has a great whoa. She will trail ride…
SOLDDunkin is a super friendly 40” donkey gelding. He leads, loads, stands tied, stands pretty good for the farrier. He can move around a little with his backs…
SOLDRuby is a 12 year old mini jennet. She stands just a tick over 32” tall. Ruby leads, loads, and ties well. She likes treats & attention . She is gentle…
SOLDHere is one you don’t want to miss if you are pony shopping. Misty is a grade 14 year old roan mini mare that stands 40” tall. She rides & she drives,…