We are selling Bernie do to no fault of his own. We have owned him since he was 3 years old. We are simply getting out of horse back riding. Our granddaughter…
$1,000Perfect winter project! Jasmine is Morgan/Qh cross and very thick and stocky! She is 14 years and old 15hhs. 100% sound and a very easy keeper. She is…
$2,500Casper is a white mini born on April 8. He has blue eyes and a tiny Carmel spot on his head. He is out of a 32 inch mare and a 32 inch paintaloosa stallion…
$700ILollipop is a mini dark, gray Jenny born July 26, 2024. She is out of a 33 inch dark gray Jenny and a 31 1/2 inch red jack. She will be available at…
$1,000Pepper is a dark gray male mini donkey born August 3 to a pinkish 32 inch Jenny and a 31 1/2 inch red jack. He has had a tetanus shot, leads, and stands…
$800Rusty is a beautiful, bright red, male mini donkey. He is out of a 32 inch red Jenny and a 31 1/2 inch red jack. He was born August 23 and will be available…
$1,000Coming 2 yr old Kentucky Mountain chocolate white mane and tail stud colt! Will be 2 in March. This boy is by Multititled RMHA/KMSHA stallion Purdues Spellbound…
$2,500RMHA registered Chocolate filly, born June 16 of 2024! This girl is big and built to the hilt ! She will be atleast 15hh-15.1hh according to the tape test…