This is a 1 and half year old registered miniature stallion . He has top of the line pedigree. He would be good for showing breeding or a pet!! He has…
$3,200Cookie is a 4 year old gelding who is 34” tall. He’s broke to ride and drive. Easy to catch, ties, loads, bathes, stands to be groomed, etc. Cookie is…
$2,500Gary is a unicorn that’s just missing the horn! This sweet dude may be hard to keep clean, but he’s easy to be around and a joy to have in the barn.…
$3,800Maranatha Luster (aka Buster ) Yearling Sec B Welsh Gelding by Midnight Crown Royal , out of Maranatha Fancy Lace ( Rosmels Rolls Royce) .He has a…
$8,000Huge 18hh Belgian gelding! Amish plow horse ready to start his riding career. Sound and as majestic as they come. Beautiful horse and such a show stopper…
$8,500Nemo GLF is a registered haflinger colt born on April 25th 2024. He is sired by Naustar ll HVAH out of Nancy GLF. He is very gentle. Halter broke. Leads…
$2,000The sweetest of boys is looking for his next address. I love this horse. He flats beautifully, three beautiful gaits, has an easy lead change, dress him…
$3,000This is TJ he is the sweetest trail horse ever. He is up for lease for lucky person who wants to love the silly man. He is about 15.5 hands,he is 23 years…