Rose is a stellar trail horse with a smooth ground covering gait. She has been used to gather cattle and is a great working horse. Her pedigree is all…
$7,000RBF Cú Chulainn aka Cullen is an adorable purebred gypsy foal born late August 2022. By our Irish imported liver chestnut stallion, RBF Lugh Mac Ethlend…
$14,000RBF Lugh Mac Ethlend, standing at stud to approved mares. Lugh is a 14.2h Liver Chestnut Gypsy Vannner stallion with a temperament of gold! Registered…
Stud Fee: $1,600Dripping In Goldd 2016 Half Arabian Gelding 16h (Fire and Goldd x Karen) xx,xxxx Has been shown Hunter Pleasure and then was transitioned over…