⭐️Introducing Chief⭐️ Chief is a GRADE Spotted Tennessee Walking horse gelding. He is Gaited!! 15-16 years old 15-15.1hh Chief is very broke and…
SOLDI HAVE VIDEOS. Coming 4 year old. He is extremely well mannered. A beautiful bay he is. He is green broke. Extremely level headed though. I truly think…
SOLD2000 IF PICKED UP BEFORE CHRISTMAS. I have too many horses. Ozark is a 6 year old grade Appaloosa. This is the sweetest horse I’ve ever owned! On the ground…
SOLD$600 if picked up before Christmas! Price firm Halle is a VERY SHORT 10-14 year old (vet aged), grade chocolate miniature horse gelding. He is the absolute…
SOLDPippin is a 9 year old 13.2 hand welsh quarter pony cross. She is sound and healthy in every way! Super pretty girl with great confirmation. She is barefoot…
SOLDPrada ?..... 16 year old (vet confirmed) grade tri-color Spotted Saddle mare. 15.2 hands. She is beefy and built solid. She is sound and has nice feet…
SOLD**Honey** -13 yrs -Mare -DRIVES -Trail Safe, Kid Safe, Husband Safe -Used in Lesson Programs Worth every penny! Would trust her in any environment…
SOLDWillow 10yr grade 14.3hh mare beginner friendly, trail horse broke, will cross anything, no spook, buck, rear, etc. Has a nice soft lope. Very easy to…