M & R Ranch provides a comprehensive riding program offering an extensive range of group and private lesson options as well as growth opportunities…
Serving the Fort Stewart, Savannah and surrounding areas. We offer equine training based on classical Dressage and riding instruction taught with…
Three large barns with a lighted regulation size arena. We welcome all disiplines of riding and all ages. We are a family run business for 20 years…
At Kindred Spirits we inspire excellence with a commitment to quality horse care, instruction, and training. We create a safe and healthy environment…
We board horses in their own private 1 to 1-1/2 acre paddock for $350 per month. The price of board includes Seminole feed and the highest quality…
Mr.Top Stuff at Stud. APHA Registered, excellent pedigree. We provide the following services; Stud,Training,Boarding and Sales.
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We are an Equestrian Theme Park with one site in Quebec (Cavaland Park) and one in Hawthorne, Florida