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Hidden Creek Ranch is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing you and your equine partner with the best care available. We have the very…
Private farm near Ann Arbor, MI and close to all major highways. Indoor arena, outside sand arena. All discplines welcome
Gaited horse training specializing in owner/horse combination training. We show Western Dressage, Trail ride, pleasure ride, lessons, breed shows…
Lasting Impression Horsemanship is dedicated to building lifelong connections between horses and their owners. Our expertise and knowledge are available…
Pasture boarding, Breeding, Lessons, Training, and Sales
A beautiful, private boarding facility with large, well-ventilated stalls, indoor and outdoor arenas, round pen, and well-groomed riding trails. Daily…
Custom horse hair jewelry. Sterling silver and stainless steel hardware. Lots of options to choose from like braid styles, clasp and end cap styles…